M.Tech., Ph.D.(Tech.), PGDBI.

About Me.
Dr. Selvaraju Sivamani, who earned his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Anna University, Chennai in 2015, brings over two decades of teaching experience across various engineering colleges and technical universities. He is an active member of 15 professional societies and has secured project grants worth $10,000 from both national and international agencies. Dr. Sivamani has reviewed more than 100 articles for over 100 journals and has edited a book as well as special issues in prestigious journals from Elsevier and Springer. He has participated in numerous national and international research competitions, winning several awards, and was a recipient of the Summer Research Fellowship from the Science Academies in 2012. In addition to his research achievements, he has accumulated over 2,000 citations, an h-index of 25, an i10-index of 46, and has published 107 articles in Scopus, 71 in SCI-indexed journals, 166 journal papers, 25 book chapters, and 8 books. Dr. Sivamani has also been involved in organizing and participating in a wide range of technical events, including conferences, webinars, workshops, and training programs. With certifications from NPTEL, Elsevier Researcher Academy, and MathWorks, he actively contributes to academic committees, including serving on examination panels for Ph.D., Master's, and Bachelor's courses, the NBA committee, and boards of studies at universities. Additionally, he has chaired sessions at various technical conferences and developed new courses, lecture notes, and lab manuals.
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